Type of Factory : Semi-Detached Factory
Land use: Industry
Land size: 19,375 sqft
Built-up area: 13,993 sqft
Selling price: Appx RM260 psf
Type of Factory: Detached Factory with Mezzanine Office Floor
Built-up area: Appx. 35,229 sqft
Land area: 1.2 Acres
Rental Price: RM1.50 psf / month
Type of Factory : Detached Factory
Land use : Commercial
Land size : 4.3 Acres
Built-up Area: 51,480 sqft
Selling price: RM16,000,000.00
Type of Factory : Detached Factory with Mezzanine office
Land use : Medium Industry
Land size : 1.0 acre
Built-up Area: 26,034 sqft
Selling price: Appx RM260 psf
Type of Factory : Detached Factory with Mezzanine floor
Land use: Industry
Land size : 2.0 Acres
Built-up Area: 53,550 sqft
Selling price: RM10,000,000.00
*Cover with2 units dock leveler
Type of factory: 4 Blocks of Factory
Land Size: 18.7619K
Build-up Area: 296.674K
For Rent: RM1.10 psf
For Sale: RM235.00 psf
Type of factory: Detached Factory
Land Size: 1 Acre
Build-up Area: 29.315K
For Rent: RM1.20 psf
For Sale: RM300.00 psf
Type of factory: Detached Factory with Mezzanine
Land Size: 1.25 Acres
Build-up Area: 46.101K
For Rent: RM1.60 psf
For Sale: RM340.00 psf
Type of Factory: Detached
Land use: Industrial
Land size: Appx. 5.0 Acres
Built-up area: Appx. 104,410 sqft
Power supply: 1,400 Amp
Building Height: 9.0 Metres
Selling price: RM18,000,000.00 (RM172psf)
Type of Factory: Detached Factory
Land use: Industry
Land size: 6.298 Acres
Built-up Area: 149,667.14 sqft
Factory Height: 9 Meter
Tenure: Freehold
Net Selling Price : RM55,000,000.00
Rental Price: RM230,000.00 / month (RM1.50psf)
*With 14 units dock leveler
Type of Factory: Semi- Detached
Land use: Industry
Land size: 5,995.55 sqft
Built-up area: 2,615.65 sqft
Selling price: RM830,250.00
Type of Factory: Semi-Detached
Land use: Industry
Land area: 5,500.40 sqft
Built-up Area : 12,798.40 sqft
Selling Price : RM1,978,020.00 (RM360psf) (After discount 10%)
Type of Factory: Detached
Land use: Industry
Land size: 12,800.01 sqft
Built-up Area : 4,843.80 sqft
Selling Price : RM1,727,730.00 (RM357 psf) (After Discount 10%)
Type of Factory: Cluster
Land use: Industry
Land Area : 13,228.96 sqft
Built-up Area : 6,856.67 sqft
Selling Price : RM2,390,310.00 (RM349 psf) (After Discount 10%)
Type of Factory: Detached
Land use: Industry
Land size: 7,000.04 sqft
Built-up Area : 1,872.94 sqft
Selling Price : RM689,310.00 (RM369 psf) (After Discount 10%)
Type of Factory: Cluster
Land use: Industry
Land Area : 5,801.80 sqft
Built-up Area : 2,841.70 sqft
Selling Price : RM931,500.00 (RM328 psf) (After Discount 10%)
Type of Factory: Semi-Detached
Land use: Industry
Land size: 11,991.10 sqft
Built-up Area : 5,500.40 sqft
Selling Price : RM1,812,780 (RM330 psf) (After Discount 10%)
Type of Factory: Semi-Detached
Land use: Industry
Land area: 14,746.68 sqft
Built-up Area : 6,985.84 sqft
Selling Price : RM2,521,530.00 (RM361 psf) (After Discount 10%)
Type of Factory: Semi-Detached
Land use: Industry
Land size: 5,801.80 sqft
Built-up Area : 1,948.28 sqft
Selling Price : RM684,450 (RM352 psf) (After Discount 10%)
Type of factory: Detached Factory with Mezzanine
Land Size: 1 Acre
Build-up Area: 27.521K
For Rent: RM1.30 psf
For Sale: RM300.00 psf
Type of factory: Detached Factory
Land Size: 8 Acres
Build-up Area: 124.555K
For Rent: RM1.00 psf
For Sale: RM224.00 psf
Type of factory: Detached Factory with Mezzanine
Land Size: 35K
Build-up Area: 10K
For Rent: RM11K per month
Type of factory: Semi Detached
Land Size: 21.42K
Build-up Area: 14.882K
For Rent: RM1.60 psf
Type of factory: Detached Factory with Mezzanine
Land Size: 1.1 Acres
Build-up Area: 30.666K
For Rent: RM0.80 psf
For Sale: RM244.00 psf
Type of factory: 3 Storey Semi-Detached Factory
Land Size : 17.2K
Built-up Area : 12.899K
Rent: RM1.26 psf
Sale: RM333.00 psf
Type of factory: Semi -Detached Factory
Land Size : 1.55 Acres
Built-up Area : 31.8K
Rent: RM0.80 psf
Sale: RM7.00 mil
Type of factory: Semi-Detached Factory
Land Size : 13.591K
Built-up Area : 9.055K
Rent: RM13k / month
Sale: RM3.13 mil
Type of factory: Detached Factory
Land Size : 1.026 Acres
Built-up Area : 53K
Rent: RM1.00 psf
Sale: RM250.00 psf
Type of factory: Semi / Detached
Land Size : 18K
Built-up Area : 12K - 80K
Rent: RM1.40 psf
Sale: RM300.00 psf
Type of factory: Detached Factory with Mezzanine
Land Size: 23.315K
Build-up Area: 13.95K
For Rent: RM0.90 psf